Christmas is all wrapped up for another year, the tree is down, and you’ve either had a raging New Years Eve that lasted well into the night, or caught the countdown in an earlier time zone on TV and hit the sack at 9:30pm. Either way, the closing of 2011 and the opening of 2012 brings each of us fresh, new opportunities. We can all start 2012 with a clean slate. You can look at some of the choices you have made in 2011 and learn from them. You can quit smoking, go to the gym four times a week, and for those of you who really want to have a fresh start in 2012, why not go out and get a Mike Tyson-like face tattoo? Of course there is not always a need for drastic changes. Sometimes it is enough to just build on the things you have accomplished in the past year and continue to develop them with pride. I, for one, am going to start blogging more (you lucky followers) to keep you all educated and informed in the world of insurance. We here at Young & Haggis are constantly working to improve your customer experience and show you that we actually care about you the person, the family, the friend. Most people give up on their New Years resolutions after 14 days. So we have every day resolutions! Every day we will continue to provide the customer service that has made our reputation over the years. Our customers will be made to feel valued and treated with respect at all times. We are here to help you. We will continue to answer our phones when they ring. There are enough numbers you can call if you want to hear an automated message. We don’t need to add to that. And we will always have a full candy dish at the reception desk where you will be greeted with a smile…and an offer of candy. No one knows what 2012 will bring but there are a few things you can be sure of. There will be peaks and valleys. Not everything will go smoothly. You will laugh, and you will cry. And you can count on the fact that our crew at Young & Haggis Insurance will be ready to assist you. Our family will take care of yours. Also, to make a few bold predictions, the Flames will win the cup, Twitter and Facebook will replace all social interaction, and Lady Gaga will come out with a love ballad duet with Lionel Richie and show the world her softer side. You heard it here first. Happy New Year everyone!
New Year!
January 3, 2012